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Managing Director, Alexander Schwörer, welcomed the participants and began by presenting the three main pillars of PERI´s Strategy 2025. In this context, he also described a number of interesting developments taking place in global construction markets and presented a range of international projects. The following presentation provided details on BIM from the perspective of a formwork and scaffolding manufacturer. This also addressed the challenges faced regarding day-to-day project activities.
Practice-oriented knowledge transfer
A project-specific PERI scaffolding solution was presented based on a current refurbishment project. Its use has ensured trouble-fee completion of all individual work phases and has resulted in a 20 % reduction in the actual construction time. After the theoretical part, the participants were taken to the exhibition hall to view the corresponding exhibit. Here, the university professors were able to form their own picture of the functionality of the scaffolding solution used and received answers to their numerous questions. At the same time, there was the opportunity to gain an overview of all PERI´s formwork and scaffolding systems.
For the next construction project looked at in more detail, the second Moselle lock near Trier, another aspect was the focus of attention: it was the high level of prefabrication that made a significant contribution to realizing this particular building project both quickly and smoothly. Here, PERI made a particularly large contribution to the planning and consulting services provided as well as the formwork construction. The participants were then given detailed explanations about the current status of the online portal myPERI which contains documents, photographs and videos for lecturers that can be accessed in a specially reserved area. Regardless of location and time, registered users can access and download all relevant information.
Scaffolding-oriented excursion
The second day was planned as an excursion to see the PERI scaffolding plant in Günzburg. The professors and lecturers visited one of the most modern scaffolding production plants in Europe, which will be expanded through the addition of another machine shop and its own hot dip galvanizing plant scheduled for completion by 2020.
The subsequent on-site inspection of the PERI scaffolding erected on the highest church tower in the world, the Ulm Minster, was a special highlight for the participants. At a height of 71 m, they could not only examine the details of the scaffolding solution on this very special structure but were also very close to the elaborate and time-consuming refurbishment work. Afterwards, the group was guided through parts of the Minster, which visitors normally do not see. Sufficient conversation topics at the final lunch together was thus ensured.